SI No. | Subject | APR | MAY | JUN | JULY | AUG | SEP |
1 | ENGLISH | Our Friends Kinds of Sentences |
The Quarrel - Poem (meanings, questions, and answers) Animal Buddies - Prose (meanings, questions, and answers) - Project |
Verb - Am, is, are, have, has, had, was, were A Journey Outside - Prose (meanings, questions, and answers) |
Earth Crow in the House |
Boats Sail on the Rivers
Adjectives |
Revision - Revision of all topics covered |
2 | MATHEMATICS | Number Sense Addition and Subtraction |
Addition and Subtraction - Mixed sums - Successor and predecessor - Word problems |
Multiplication - Concept of repeated addition - Array representation - Picture/Group representation - Writing repeated addition in multiplication form - Writing numbers in power form - Multiplication of two digit with two digit - Multiplication of three digit with two digit - Multiplication of three digit with three digit - Word problems |
Estimation |
Factors and Multiples
Fractions - Conversion of fractions - Representation on number line - Equivalent fraction - Addition and subtraction of like fractions - Concept of decimal and its parts - Decimal header system (writing in words) - Face value and place value - Expanded and standard form - Like and unlike decimals - Equivalent decimals - Comparison - Ordering (ascending and descending) - Representation of decimal numbers on number line |
Decimal - Conversion of fractions - Representation on number line - Equivalent fraction - Addition and subtraction of like fractions - Concept of decimal and its parts - Decimal header system (writing in words) - Face value and place value - Expanded and standard form - Like and unlike decimals - Equivalent decimals - Comparison - Ordering (ascending and descending) - Representation of decimal numbers on number line |
3 | EVS | Animals
Birds |
Food is Life Food Production and Preservation |
Food Production and Preservation Health and Safety |
Shelter for All |
Culture and Clothes Soil and Geographical Features |
Festivals - Activity (Poster making on different festivals of India) |
4 | HINDI | पाठ - नन्हा उल्लू, कविता – रोज़ सवेरे - प्रश्नोत्तर - कवि परिचय - परिभाषा - विशेषण - क्रिया - हमारी भाषा - तुकांत संज्ञा - वाक्य गठन - क्रकसने कहा? - क्रकससे कहा?...... |
पाठ - वनताई के साथ - प्रश्नोत्तर - तिवणी - व्याकरण - अनुच्छेद लेखन |
पाठ - नन्हा पेड़ - पठन - कविता - हमें देश तो लगता जैसे - प्रश्नोत्तर - तिवणी - व्याकरण - पर्यायवाची - विराम चिह्न |
पाठ – भारत के प्रमुख पक्षी - प्रश्नोत्तर - कविता - मेलजोल का सबक - परिभाषा - परियोजना कार्य - व्याकरण - नारा लेखन - क्रिया विशेषण - विलोम शब्द |
पाठ – आज़ादी की रोटी, तीन युगों की पंक्ति - प्रश्नोत्तर - तिवणी - व्याकरण - अनेकार्थक शब्द - संलग्नक - चित्रण - ASL |
पुनरावृत्ति कार्य - विद्यालय में इस विषय से संबंधित किए जाने वाले कार्य तथा गतिविधियों का अभ्यास |
5 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Data Storage and Memory Managing Files and Folders in Windows 10 |
More about the Internet - What is the internet - History of the internet - Commonly used internet terms |
More on MS. Word 2016 - Microsoft Edge - Shapes - WordArt - Inserting Pictures - Inserting Tables - Entering Data in a Table - Selecting row or column - Inserting row or column - Deleting row/column (Lab) - Merging cells - Splitting a cell - Formatting a table (Lab) |
PowerPoint 2016 - Starting PowerPoint 2016 - Components of the PowerPoint Window - Creating a new Presentation - Slide Layout - Inserting WordArt - Inserting a picture from a file - Viewing a presentation - Deleting a slide (Lab) |
PowerPoint 2016 - Starting PowerPoint 2016 - Components of the PowerPoint Window - Creating a new Presentation - Slide Layout - Inserting WordArt - Inserting a picture from a file - Viewing a presentation - Deleting a slide (Lab) |
Revision |