CLASS - Class 3

Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory Sentences
1. Predicate + Kinds of Sentences

Types of Nouns
1. Proper, Common, Collective (pack, flight, bunch, flock, herd, crowd, choir)

Level Up - Self
1. Prose (meanings, questions and answers)
2. Project

Literature Reader - Open House
1. Poem (meanings, questions and answers) Paragraph Writing
1. Rules + Format + Sample Paragraph Writing (Summer Project)

1. he, she, it, they, etc.

Literature Reader - Rikki Tikki Tavi
1. Prose (meanings, questions and answers)
2. Project

1. Quality, Quantity, Shapes, Colour, Size Comparison
1. Positive, Comparative, Superlative Comprehension

Level Up - Health is Wealth
1. Poem (meanings, questions and answers)
2. Project

1. Main + Helping (am, is, are, was, were, have, had)


Literature Reader - Robinson Crusoe’s House
1. Prose (meanings, questions and answers)

1. Manner, Place, Time

Writing a Letter
1. Personal Letter Writing Format + Rules + Sample Letter Writing

1. A, An, The

Lamp Aladdin and the Magic
1. Prose (meanings, questions and answers)

2 MATHEMATICS Number Sense
1. Introduction of seven digit numbers
2. Writing in words and figures
3. Face value and place value
4. Expanded form and standard form
5. Comparison of numbers
6. Ascending and descending order
7. Relation with header
8. Making numbers
9. Concept of even and odd numbers
1. Rules of addition (addition table)
2. Properties of addition (commutative, associative, distributive, additive identity)
3. Addition on number line
4. Addition (with and without regrouping)
5. Addition (regular and irregular form)
6. Successor
7. Word problems using Singapore method
1. Rules of addition (addition table)
2. Properties of addition (commutative, associative, distributive, additive identity)
3. Addition on number line
4. Addition (with and without regrouping)
5. Addition (regular and irregular form)
6. Successor
7. Word problems using Singapore method

1. Fact family
2. Rules of subtraction
3. Subtraction on number line
4. Subtraction using regrouping
5. Subtraction with borrowing (irregular and regular form)
6. Word problems using Singapore method

1. Concept of repeated addition, group representation, array
2. Rules of multiplication
3. Multiplicative identity
4. Multiplication on number line
5. Multiplication of two digit with one digit, three digit with one digit, four digit with one digit
6. Framing word problems
7. Four way representation of multiplication
8. Fact family

1. Concept of repeated subtraction
2. Rules of division
3. Group representation
4. Division of two digit by one digit, three digit by one digit
5. Verification of division

1. Combination of notes and coins
2. Conversion of Rupees to Paisa, Paisa to Rupees using header
3. Basic addition and subtraction of money

1. Concept of patterns
3 EVS Animal Kingdom
1. Animals vary in size
2. Movement in animals
3. Uses of tails
4. Birds
5. Food of animals
6. Interdependence between plants and animals

1. What are insects?
2. Insects around us
3. Life cycle of insects
4. Life cycle of butterfly
5. Life cycle of cockroach

Our Body Parts
1. My body parts
2. External body parts
3. Sense organs
4. Special needs
5. Behaviour

Families and Relationships
1. What is a family?
2. Who is who in the family?
3. Families are different
4. Daily practices
5. What does the family teach us?
6. Changes in family structure
7. Meeting family members
8. Family tree
9. Resemblances in the family

Family and School
1. School
2. Family
3. Occupations in the family

Plants: Our Green Friends
1. Parts of a plant
2. Functions of different parts
3. Types of plants
4. How do plants make their food
5. Growing new plants

Leaves and Flowers
1. Leaves (pattern, shape, and colour)
2. Uses of leaves
3. Flowers (colour, shape, and uses)
4. Protection of forest
5. Kitchen garden

Solar System
1. Solar system
2. Sun
3. Moon
4. Stars
5. Earth (movements of earth)
6. Patterns in sunrise and sunset
7. Seasons

Clothes: A Basic Need
1. Why do we need clothes?
2. Types of clothes
3. Traditional clothing habits
4. Cultural diversity
5. Taking care of clothes

Local Games
1. Religious festivals
2. National celebrations and festivals
3. Harvest festivals
4. Games we play (local games of India) Revision
4 HINDI ढम्मक - ढम्मक की चाऱ
1. प्रश्नोत्तर
2. वतणनी (पाठ)
3. कवि परिचय
4. बादल दानी (कविता)
5. परिभाषा
6. जब हम खेलें क्रिकेट (पाठ)
7. वाक्य गठन
8. हमारी वर्णमाला
9. क्रकसने कहा, मात्राएं तथा शब्द-रचना
10. संज्ञा, विशेषण
सूरज की छुट्टी (कविता)
1. पाठ - फऱ खाएँ सेहत बनाए
2. व्याकरण - वचन, सर्वनाम
3. पठन
4. वतणनी
5. प्रश्नोत्तर
6. परिभाषा
क्रकससे कहा ?
1. प्रश्नोत्तर
2. विवित्र जीव
3. वतणनी
4. अन छे द लेखन
पाठ - कुल्हाड़ी का दलऱया
1. पर्यायवाची
2. चित्र वर्णन
3. लिंग
4. व्याकरण - नारा लेखन
5. प्रश्नोत्तर
6. परिभाषा
7. वतणनी
8. परियोजना कार्य
पाठ - कब त र और लशकारी
1. एक जरूरी बात
2. अनेकाथणक शब्द
3. क्रिया
4. चित्र वर्णन
5. व्याकरण - विलोम शब्द
6. प्रश्नोत्तर
7. वतणनी
8. ASL
1. पुनरावृत्ति कार्य
2. विद्यालय में इस विषय संबंधी किए जाने वाले कार्य तथा गतिविधियाँ
3. अभ्यास
5 BENGALI গল্পঃ রার নীর
1. গল্প পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয
2. লেখকঃ ঳ু খরতা যাও
3. কবিতা: আভযা ঘাল঳য ল াট ল াট পুর কবিতা: ল্যাবতবযন্দ্র বভত্র
1. কবিতা পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয
বনবভিবত অনু লেদ যচনা - বফড়ার
1. ফযাকযণ ধ্ববন ও ফণি, ঱ব্দাথ
নাটক: অভর ও ঳ু ধা
1. নাটককাযঃ যফীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুয
2. বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয বনবভিবত অনু লেদ অবযা঳
1. ফযাকযণ ধ্ববন ও ফণি, ঱ব্দাথ
কবিতা: ঩াকা঩াবক
1. কবিতা পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয গল্প: ঩ান্তাফুবড়
1. লেখক: লমাগীন্দ্রনাথ ঳যকায
2. গল্প পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয
কবিতা: লভাব঴তরার ভ্ুভদায
1. কবিতা পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয
2. পদ: বফল঱লয, বিয়া ফযাকযণ
1. বনবভিবত বরঙ্গ ও ফচন আলরাচনা, ঱ব্দাথি
2. অনু লেদ যচনা - ধান গা, ঩াট গা গল্প: লবক ও ঱ৃ গার
1. লেখক: প্রভথনাথ বফ঱ী
2. কবিতা: বুতুলয ফই
গল্প: যাগী যা্ায গল্প
1. লেখক: লভা঴নরার গলঙ্গা঩াধযায়
2. গল্প পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয কবিতা: চরায গান
1. কবিতা পাঠ ও বফলয়ফস্তু আলরাচনা, প্রলনাত্তয ফযাকযণ
1. পদ: বফল঱লণ, ঳ফিনাভ, অফযয়
2. ঱ব্দাথি বনবভিবত অনু লেদ যচনা - কাগ্, কয়রা কবিতা: ঱যাভর কাবন্ত দা঱
1. Reading Skill
2. Speaking Skill Half Yearly Syllabus - অনু মায়ী গল্প ও কবিতা
1. অবযা঳
2. ফযাকযণ ও বনবভিবত

Computer System

1.  Computer Hardware (Computer Lab)
2. IPO Cycle
3.  Computer Software

Windows 10

1. Features of Windows 10 (Computer Lab)
2.  Windows 10 Desktop (Computer Lab)
3. Windows 10 Desktop and Task View (Computer Lab)
4.  Control View (Computer Lab)

Paint 3D

1.  Starting Paint 3D (Computer Lab)
2.  Paint 3D Window (Computer Lab)
3.  Creating 2D Shapes (Computer Lab)
4.  Selecting a Shape (Computer Lab)
5.  Changing Colour in Shape (Computer Lab)
6.  Adding Text (Computer Lab)
7.  Saving the Drawing (Computer Lab)
8.  Opening a Saved Drawing (Computer Lab)
9.  Closing Paint 3D (Computer Lab)

Using Word 2016

1.  Uses of Word 2016 (Computer Lab)
2.  Starting Word 2016 (Computer Lab)
3.  Components of Word 2016 Window (Computer Lab)
4.  Creating a New Document in Word 2016 (Computer Lab)

Editing and Formatting in Word 2016

1.  Entering the Text (Computer Lab)
2.  Saving a Document (Computer Lab)
3.  Opening a Saved Document (Computer Lab)
4.  Exiting Word (Computer Lab)
5.  Selecting the Text (Computer Lab)
6.  Editing the Text (Computer Lab)
7.  Formatting the Text (Computer Lab)
