CLASS - Class 11
1 Health & Physical Education (048)

Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education

1. Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
2. Development of Physical Education in India – Post Independence
3. Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear and sports equipment, technological advancements
4. Career options in Physical Education
5. Khelo-India Program and Fit – India Program.


Yoga & IOA recognized sports


1. Olympism – Concept and Olympics Values (Excellence, Friendship & Respect)
2. Olympic Value Education – Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for Others, Pursuit of Excellence, Balance Among Body, Will & Mind
3. Ancient and Modern Olympics
4. Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem
5. Olympic Movement Structure - IOC, NOC, IFS, Other members


Yoga & IOA recognized sports


1. Meaning and importance of Yoga
2. Introduction to Astanga Yoga
3. Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma)
4. Pranayama and its types
5. Active Lifestyle and stress management through Yoga


Yoga & IOA recognized sports

Physical Education & Sports for CWSN

1. Concept of Disability and Disorder
2. Types of Disability, its causes & nature (Intellectual disability, Physical disability)
3. Disability Etiquette
4. Aim and objectives of Adaptive Physical Education
5. Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counselor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist, and Special Educator)

Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness

1. Meaning & importance of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness
2. Components/Dimensions of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness
3. Traditional Sports & Regional Games for promoting wellness
4. Leadership through Physical Activity and Sports
5. Introduction to First Aid – PRICE 


Yoga & IOA recognized sports

Test, Measurement & Evaluation

1. Define Test, Measurements and Evaluation
2. Importance of Test, Measurements and Evaluation in Sports
3. Calculation of BMI, Waist – Hip Ratio, Skin fold measurement (3-site)
4. Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
5. Measurements of health-related fitness


Yoga & IOA recognized sports

Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports

1. Definition and importance of Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise and Sports
2. Functions of Skeletal System, Classification of Bones, and Types of Joints
3. Properties and Functions of Muscles
4. Structure and Functions of Circulatory System and Heart
5. Structure and Functions of Respiratory System


Yoga & IOA recognized sports

2 Psychology

What is Psychology?

Introduction What is Psychology?
Understanding mind and behaviour
Popular notions about the discipline of Psychology
Evolution of Psychology
Development of Psychology
Branches of Psychology
Themes of research and application
Psychology and other disciplines
Psychology in everyday life.


Methods of Enquiry in Psychology


Goals of psychological enquiry

Nature of psychological data
Methods in Psychology
Analysis of data
Limitations of psychological enquiry
Ethical issues

Practical work continues

Human Development

Meaning of development
Factors influencing development
Context of development
Overview of developmental stages

Practical work continues

Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes

Knowing the world
Nature and varieties of stimulus
Sense modalities
Attentional processes
Perceptual processes
Principles of perceptual organization
Perception of space, depth & distance
Perceptual constancies
Socio-cultural influences on perception

Practical work continues

Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes

Knowing the world
Nature and varieties of stimulus
Sense modalities
Attentional processes
Perceptual processes
Principles of perceptual organization
Perception of space, depth & distance
Perceptual constancies
Socio-cultural influences on perception

Practical work continues


Nature of learning
Paradigms of learning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Observational learning

Practical work continues

3 Commercial Art (052)

Basic Drawing of Still Life

Object drawing - Natural & Industrial  Still life drawing & color

Foliage study drawing & color

History of Art Rock painting

introduction, period and location, Wizard’s dance, Bhimbetka

Unit-2 Lettering & Layout

Study of lettering of Roman 

  Lettering of Devnagari

History of art

Making a simple layout with lettering as the main component

History of Art

Art of Indus Valley - dancing girl, male torso, mother goddess, bull, decoration on earthen wares

Natural Study Foliage study drawing & colo

Still life - natural and industrial object

Use of Lettering Poster Making Excursion/Tourism, Cultural activity

History of Art

Buddhist, Jain art - lion capital, Yakshi, seated Buddha, Jain tirathankara

Unit-4 Folk Art

Madhubani painting & Kalighat painting 

Still life drawing & color 

 Foliage study

History of Art

Art of Ajanta - period, number of caves, chaitya and vihara, painting and sculpture, subject matter and technique.

Practical: Still life drawing & color

Practical: Foliage study

4 Pure Mathematics


Types of sets
Operations on sets
Venn diagram

Relations and Functions

Ordered pairs
Arrow diagrams
Cartesian product
Domain and range of the relation


Domain and range of functions


Graphs of some standard real functions

Measurement of angles

Functions and Trigonometric

Sum and difference of angles
Some more trigonometric functions


Multiple of angles

Solving inequations in one variable 

Linear Inequations 

Complex Numbers Imaginary numbers


Complex numbers

Argand plane

Permutations and Combinations

Principle of counting Concept of re arrangement (permutation) and selection (combination)

Binomial theorem

Pascal’s triangle

Expanding binomials raised to nth power

5 Applied Mathematics

Algebra of Sets

Sets (introduction, representation – set builder form, roster form, types of sets)
Cardinal numbers
Operation of sets
Concept of intervals
Venn diagrams (Word problems)


Ordered pairs
Cartesian product
Number of elements in a Cartesian product of two sets
Relation as a subset of Cartesian product
Domain and range


- Introduction of functions
- Dependent and independent variables
- Difference between relation and function
- Domain, range, co-domain
- Types of functions (definition, graphical representation, example)
- Composition of function

Numerical Application

- Binary numbers (conversions to decimal only and vice versa)
- Indices (sums based on laws)
- Logarithms (applications of log, finding the value using log table)
- Antilog (finding the value using log table)
- Averages (Revision)
- Clock (revision)
- Calendar (determination of days)
- Time, work, distances (word problems)
- Mensuration (revision of 2D and 3D shapes)
- Seating arrangement

Limits and Continuity

- Limit of a function
- Algebra of limits
- Continuity of a function


- Derivative using first principle
- Differentiation of functions using laws

Sequence and Series

- A.P series (revision)
- Arithmetic mean
- G.P series
- Geometric mean
- Sums on mixed AP and GP

Descriptive Statistics

- Measures of dispersion (percentiles, quartiles, range, mean deviation)
- Skewness and Kurtosis
- Correlation analysis

Logical Reasoning

- Odd man out
- Syllogism
- Blood relations
- Coding and decoding

6 Economics

Introduction: Microeconomics

- Central problems of an economy
- Production possibility frontier
- Centrally planned vs Market economy
- Positive vs Normative economics
- Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics (explanation)

Theory of Consumer Behaviour

- Concepts of utility
- Cardinal utility analysis (explanation)

Theory of Consumer Behaviour

- Ordinal utility analysis
- Demand and Elasticity of demand (explanation with graphical analysis)
- Solving Numericals

Introduction: Statistics

- Definition of Statistics
- Application of Statistics in Economics (explanation)

Collection of Data

- Different sources of data
- Various modes of data collection
- Sampling and non-sampling errors (explanation)

Organisation of Data

- Classification of data
- Preparing a frequency distribution (explanation)

Production and Costs

- Production function
- Concepts of TP, AP & MP
- Short run production function & Law of variable proportion (explanation with graphical analysis)

Production and Costs

- Returns to scale
- Costs: short and long run (explanation with graphical analysis)
- Solving numericals

Presentation of Data

- Different ways of presenting data
- Textual Presentation of data
- Tabular Presentation of data
- Diagrammatic Presentation of data
- Graphical Presentation of data (explanation with graphical analysis)

Measures of Central Tendency

- Calculation of Arithmetic mean (Explanation with solving numericals)

Measures of Central Tendency

- Calculation of Arithmetic mean (Explanation with solving numericals)
- Calculation of Median (Explanation with solving numericals)
- Calculation of Mode (Explanation with solving numericals)